Thursday, December 2, 2010


So last night was YL Club... LSN meets in 3 car garage at a kid's house.  Somehow we made a freezing 3 car garage a place where you could warm up... and actually people were sweating.  That took some song singing and dancing and a lot of people to fill the space and I'm thankful.  Last night I had the privilege of giving my favorite talk at Club... How to Follow Jesus.  Using the analogy of my marriage vows and that commitment- A- admitting I desire and need my husband. B- believing he is who he says he is, which is loyal, honesty, and humble (love you babe).  C-committing myself to him in relationship.  It is the same with Jesus.  ABC.  A-admit you need Jesus bc of our sin, and brokenness.  B- believing He is who He says He is- God and He died for us and rose again for us to live.  C-committing our entire story to Jesus.

So last night in the midst of craziness kids listened for 20 minutes and heard the invitation to Christ.  What an honor to be involved in what God is doing in this city.

Today I read two posts on facebook:
1.  Give God your story
2.  I'm giving my life to the only one who gives me hope when I have none.



  1. This is an awesome call God has given you and I am so proud to know you and call you my friend. I am praying for you and these kids.

  2. Nothing like the Truth!
    A - All about Jesus
    B - Because He paid the price
    C - Come to Him

    Go, Tracee!

