Just a few students enjoying Yl Club. |
Every once in a while we have a YL Club that blows me away. A club that is so epic that kids stick around after and won't leave, where I go home and can't sleep, where Twitter blows up, and the next day I have what I call a Yl Club hangover. That happened this week. Words won't do it justice but I will try my best to give you a snapshot of what happened.
This week club was "open mic" night. Where we invite students to share what God has been doing in their life this past semester. Over 150 students showed up to hear about their peers lives. More than ever we are hearing the theme of brokenness. Students were very bold in their openness and sharing how life is hard, how broken their lives are with depression, addiction, divorce, and struggle and how God and the YL family has stepped in and given them hope and assured them they are not alone. That He is real and they can make it.
YL is not the answer...Jesus is. We cannot rescue...He can. Students need us to be beside them and point them to His feet. The world is broken and Jesus came for the sick and for the broken. What a gift it is to know that we don't have to fix people, that there is a God that loves unconditionally, and promises to never forsake us. What a joy to know there is a source that never runs out and to share that with students.
Hear from those that were there:
From an adult who attended Club:
"Wow...again...wow. I called my husband on the way home and told him this is real life. That this is real and we all need a Savior. Walked out with a crazy different perspective. You are a difference maker!"
From an adult who attended Club:
"Kids shared the deep problems they’ve had -- and have. (They experience so much pain – loneliness, depression, suicide, loss of loved ones, physical injury and disorders, etc, etc, etc.) They shared how YL has helped them. They have come to know and accept Jesus, are learning how to get up after a knock down and live life with Him, and (in effect) experience what life in the Body of Christ is like. They were telling other kids “others helped me, I’d like to help you.” Wow, what a ministry this is."
From a leader:
"Last night was awesome! Such a powerful reminder of the junk going on in the lives of kids. I hope it was a call to all of our leaders that kids are crying out, so desperately, to be known and loved and guided to Jesus! Some tough stuff, but I think there is a lot of space for God to work through us and this ministry."
From students on Twitter:
"So glad I went tonight. Thanks YL for letting me open up and listening and caring. Means a lot."
"No one can explain the love you feel when you walk into a room full of YL kids, but let me tell you it's amazing."
"You never truly know what to think of anything until you experience it... let's just say you're truly missing out if you don't go to YL."
"We all have a story and we all need some Jesus. YL Club was epic."
"My heart is SO full. God is on the move in LS #YL"
"I love YL so much we are a forever family."
"So much love and passion in one room tonight. YL has been an absolute blessing to me. Huge thank you to everyone who shared." #openmic