Tuesday, August 1, 2017

young LIFE

We Back.

Life happened.  YL claims that students will have the best week of their life at YL Camp.  How does/did that happen?

1.  Kids... let's real... our teenage friends are kids.  They got to be a kid.  They got the chance to be carefree, irresponsible, disconnected from their device and comparison trap on social media and be present and be a kid.  They got to throw food on their YL leader, jump off a rope swing, scream, dance, play, sing, and take the weight off their shoulders for a week.

2.  They found adventure.  Campers experienced so many firsts.  First time to paddle board, first time to challenge themselves with heights and fears and complete a ropes course high in the sky or zipline through camp into a lake.  First time to spend 15 min alone under the stars, first time to talk to God, first time to share their story.  They also found adventure in octoball, volleyball games, go carts, and rock climbing floaties.  

3.  They found deeper relationships.  Camp is all focused around relationships.  Students grew in their friendships with one another.  They got a chance to be real, honest, share their heart and their friends and leader listened. I mean really listened.  Like no phone in their hand, no interruptions, but with eye contact and an open heart listened.  Those deeper friendships will help carry them through the rest of high school.  Those friends will be go to's when life is hard or throws a curve ball.  They grew in relationship with their YL leader.  They know, that they know, that they know their YL leader loves them no matter what.  That we are here for them in LS and at camp.  That we will be beside them as we all do life together.  They grew in their relationship with God.  Some said YES to life with Jesus for the first time.  Some said I want more in my walk with Jesus and are diving in deeper.  YL will continue to live out our mission statement- "introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow deeper in their faith."  

The best week of your life.  

John 10:10  Jesus says, "I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full."

1 comment:

  1. I had heard about camp several different years from our youngest son who has been involved in YL since he was in high school but this was my first time to attend YL camp. First of all, these kids do not understand what an outstanding "camp" facility they have the opportunity to be at-it is more like a resort with extremely nice cabins, tons of activities to do, delicious food and the entire week is planned around each one of them realizing (maybe for the first time) that they are a child of God and can be who they are meant to be. It was not even close to any type of camp I had ever been to in my lifetime and I would definitely recommend any adult to take a week off from life and experience what these young people have the opportunity to do. Phones and electronics are turned in before arriving at camp and it was amazing to see these kids spending time outside doing activities with each other that we used to do. They were talking with each other and having a blast! Adults, take the time to be re-inspired by our youth, you definitely won't regret it and/or support your local YL group and help some of them have the chance to make God first in their life.
