Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Wow... Lee's Summit!  God is moving.  The invisible God is visible and at work.  There are so many things I could share that God is doing in LS and in the students of LS. 
1.  YL kicked off its first club with 115 students.  So many new faces showed up to have fun, hang out, laugh, sing, and hear TRUTH.  I asked a senior from LSN who had never been to YL before, "What did you think?"  She replied, "I love it here!  I just wished it didn't take me 3 years to come."  
Or second club was strong with 99 students.  One junior from LSW said, "I just don't know why yet, but after leaving YL  I just feel better."  Students are showing up.  YL leaders are pursuing students and earning the right to be heard.  Hearts are being shaped and TRUTH of Jesus is being spoken.  
2.  I just left Fields of Faith- FCA puts in on and all the schools come together to worship, share truth, and hear a message.  Over 300 LS students came.  We sang "How He Loves Us" in the stands at LSN football stadium!  They had a time of open mic and some YL students whom I'm so proud of- got up and shared to the crowd their story of saying yes to Jesus.  It brought me to tears.  Seeing new life in them and other students is inspiring.  One YL student shared that following Christ isn't easy her life didn't just get magically better.  However, she knows that God is not invisible and He will never leave her.  She cannot make it without Him.  Another shared of how giving her life to Christ made her feel loved and finally good enough where as before she was lost and searching for love.  

I texted them as soon as it was over and here are two of their replies:

"I just want to thank you for all that you've done.  Young Life has seriously changed my life.  Jesus is awesome and I love talking about Him and to Him.  Thank you for showing me that!"

"You and all the YL leaders have made a huge change in my life for the better!  I don't know where or who I would be without YL and God."

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