Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Life Lyrics

We have kicked off our semester having had 3 YL clubs and 2 WL events already.  Our small group ministry, campaigners, is also up and running.  Our camp trip this summer to Frontier Ranch is already sold out with students on the wait list!  God is moving.

This semester I challenged my YL leaders who are slotted to speak this semester to title their talk the same as a current billboard hit.  It has been a challenge.  I believe God is in all things, even current pop songs scream out for more.  My hope is that students would hear that song throughout the week and connect it to truth about the life Jesus offers.  I spoke week 1 with my song and title being, "One Call Away" by Charlie Puth.  I shared the story of Peter walking on water from Matthew 14:22-32.  Focusing on a few main points:  Jesus wants us to get out of the boat and experience life with him.  Jesus is only one call away- He pulls us up when we sink.  He does not leave us.

Peter’s afraid.  He could sink and die.  But he goes.  Peter steps out of the boat and walks on water. 

Then what happens?  He messes up?  Maybe he’s thinks he’s doing it on his own, maybe he gets anxious and worry takes over and He turns away from Jesus.  He is scared and calls out… Jesus, save me!  Prob the quickest prayer of his life.  His one call away. 

Maybe Jesus is singing –
I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me

(Have a listen and see if you hear truth in this song).

And what does Jesus do when Peter messes up?  Does he let him sink?  Does he turn away?  Does he get disappointed, or yell, or leave?  No, He hears Peter’s honest cry of his heart. 

Jesus IMMEDIATELY reached out, grabbed Peter’s hand, pulled him up, and I think smiled and said- You lost your faith didn’t you?  Why did you doubt me?  He was saying- I will always be there- I will always keep coming to the middle- I’ll be there to save you.  No matter where you go know you’re not alone. 

We want our students to know that life with a relationship with Jesus is an adventure that life can happen and happen to the full there.  We are called to get out of the boat of our life and hear the call from Him to walk on water.  Of course we are like Peter and we sink, we screw up, we fall down.  But the great news is how Jesus responds to us in that time.  I think of my son Otto learning to walk.  He took his first steps and we were so pumped!  We instagrammed it, high-fived each other, celebrated our son's steps.  After only a few steps of pure delight he fell down.  Our response as parents was not to yell or punish him for falling down, we simply helped him back up.  We know he was designed to walk and later run and want to help him do so.  Just like our heavenly father his desire for us to walk and run.  He celebrates our steps.  He knows we will fall and He will be there to help us up.  As YL leaders we celebrate our students as they say YES to life with Christ and getting out of the boat.  We desire for them to keep getting up when they fall.  We want to offer them support and encouragement as they do.  What a great role and honor.
For our calendar of events.

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