I am not sleeping anytime soon due to the overwhelming joy and honor I feel to be a part of what God is doing in LS through Young Life. Tonight we had our weekly Club. I opened the mic up the students to share and simply asked, "What has God been doing in your life? How has YL impacted you?"
Little did I know we would leave feeling like a family, feeling God's presence and realness, His love, and be wiping away tears of joy and hope. Students shared from their heart- their stories of pain, loss, struggle, and how God is real. How YL showed up and their leader showed up and loved them. How they now feel like they are not alone because God promises to never leave them. I cannot put this night in words- so I will use theirs.
Take a glimpse at some of the tweets on Twitter after tonight's club:
Thank you
Everyone needs Yl in their life!! So moving tonight!
YoungLife was amazing tonight. #cried I can honestly say YL and the leaders have changed my life.
YL isn't intended to judge or make the attenders appear perfect, instead it reminds u that no matter how much u mess up GOD STILL LOVES YOU!!
Best YL club ever. No idea where I would be without @TraceeCobb, all my leaders, my yl friends, and most important God! #LifeChanging
"Driving home, I had to pull over and gather myself from the power of God I felt tonight. Words cannot how thankful I am to have been introduced to you, YL, and LSCC this year. I'm getting to know Christ in ways that I never imagined possible. I feel myself growing and becoming the person I've always wanted to be developing an untouchable bond with God. I'm learning to turn to Him in every aspect of my life. Everything good and bad and ugly is strengthening this relationship and I don't think I have ever felt this happy, this filled with life. It's incredibly reassuring to know there's a support system like YL and people I can go to bc I know I will struggle and this will be hard but unbelievably worth it."
Thanks for listening!
If you would like to donate online to LS YL: